Berry Infused Water

We are back today with another recipe on our blog. This time we have kept it simple. Berry infused water.
Infused water is tasty way to get in your daily water intake. It is also great for a number of health reasons. The vitamins and nutrients that that leak out of the fruit when they are infused help with maintaining the PH levels in your body, get rid of nasty toxins and give you overall better digestion.
That being said, here are some of our favourite recipes for infused water, featuring Y.V.Fresh berries of course!
“Burst of heath" "Sweet Tooth" "The cleanser"
Strawberry Blueberries Raspberries
Basil Strawberries Blackberries
Lemon Cherries Blueberries
Ginger Watermelon Orange
We hope you enjoy making our creations. Let us know your favourite infused water combo on our social media channels.