5 Summer Berry Snacks To Make!

Smoothies are a great way to fuel your body during the summer. As it is hot, our bodies do not crave as much food during the warmer months and therefore it is important that we are still feeding it the nutrients it deserves. Berry smoothies are particularly popular, not just for their taste, but also for their nutrients. To make one of our favourite berry smoothies, click here
Berry toast
Berry toast, is an easy to put together breakfast, that is both tasty and nutritious. You can play around with combinations such as strawberry and honey, or blueberry and yoghurt, to find the one you like the most. Click here for the best berry toast combinations and their health benefits.
Chicken, Berry salad
Berries do not only go well with sweet meals, they also compliment savoury dishes. A grilled chicken salad for example; that includes iceberg lettuce, cucumber and feta is given a greater flavour when sweet fruit such as blackberries and blueberries are tossed into the mixture. The berries create the perfect balance of sweet against the savoury chicken and feta.
Berry sorbet
Berry sorbet is an easy and super tasty recipe you can make to enjoy during the hot weather. Place your favourite Y.V.Fresh berries in a ziplock bag along with with a ripe, peeled banana. Leave in the freezer for a couple of hours before taking them out and placing them in a blender. Spoon in honey to taste and blend until the mixture is thick and smooth. PLace in a bowl and enjoy a nutrient dense sorbet that has no preservatives.
An Australian favourite summer dessert. Nothing beats a pavlova topped with strawberries and blueberries after dinner on a balmy night. One of our favourite recipes are our mini raspberry pavlovas. You can find and make the recipe here